宇通 ZK6125HNG Yutong ZK6125HNG

編號 Class:6001 - 6025


All Yutong ZK6125HNG was transferred to T.C.M when New Era merged to T.C.M on 1 Aug., 2018. They soon received the standard T.C.M livery and still deployed on route 1 and 55. Yutong ZK6125HNG can be distinguished from ZK6128HNGE purchased by T.C.M by the front and rear route display together with the fleet number. Larger route display was fitted on ZK61252HNG and especially the rear one, not only destination details can be shown but also messages to other road users.

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車隊編號 Fleet No.:6005
車牌 Registration No.:MX1625
路線 Route :1

車隊編號 Fleet No.:6006
車牌 Registration No.:MX1711
路線 Route :1

車隊編號 Fleet No.:6008
車牌 Registration No.:MX1721
路線 Route :1

車隊編號 Fleet No.:6009
車牌 Registration No.:MX1931
路線 Route :55

車隊編號 Fleet No.:6012
車牌 Registration No.:MX2037
路線 Route :1

車隊編號 Fleet No.:6015
車牌 Registration No.:MX2083
路線 Route :55

車隊編號 Fleet No.:6017
車牌 Registration No.:MX2108
路線 Route :55

車隊編號 Fleet No.:6019
車牌 Registration No.:MX2154
路線 Route :55
路線 Route :55

車隊編號 Fleet No.:6021
車牌 Registration No.:MX2172
路線 Route :1
路線 Route :101X

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