宇通 ZK6118HGE Yutong ZK6118HGE

編號 Class:3088 - 3195 (自二零一八年八月一日開始,Effective from 01 Aug., 2018)





由於需要配合澳門政府嚴格執行,限制車重達十五噸或以上車輛駛過舊澳氹大橋(嘉樂庇總督大橋),為確保能夠有足夠符合規定的巴士行走過橋巴士路線,於二零一七年十月底開始,澳巴與新時代進行了車隊交換工作,當中澳巴二十一架ZK6118HGE連同五架ZK6128HGE被調撥至新時代車隊,以作交換新時代同等數目的宇通ZK6115HG1。隨著二零一八年八月一日新時代正式併入澳巴,原新時代購入的宇通ZK6118HGE(3088 - 3097)轉為澳巴擁有,而原澳巴轉往新時代的車輛,亦於同日開始回歸澳巴車隊。

TCM in Macau showing it loyalty to Wuzhoulong since the first Wuzhoulong joined the fleet in 2005. The fleet of TCM mainly composed of Wuzhoulong from minibus to full-sized single decker and as a result , most people took it for granted that Wuzhoulong will be the first choice for TCM when acquiring new bus. The Wuzhoulong (except the FDG6951G introduced in 2013) in TCM showing standardization, powered by Yuchai engine and Allison fully automatic gearbox. When TCM acquired a batch of new buses with the above mechanical specification in Mar., 2014, Wuzhoulong should get this tender easily, however, it went to another bus builder in China, Yutong.

There is total 26 Yutong ZK6118HGE purchased by TCM. There are some differences between this batch of Yutong and those operated by New Era (introduced by Reolian in 2011). First, the length of the Yutong operated by TCM is 10.8m long while those new in 2011 only 10.5m in length. Benefited from the lengthen body, a much reasonable compartment resulted and the carrying capacity increased from 68 to 75 with 26 seats offered. In addition, a different wheel arch designed was applied and a larger orange coloured LED route display fitted, hence, much clear route details can be provided. All of the Yutong ZK6118HGE complied with Euro 4 emission standard in contrast to the Reolian Yutong, only meet the Euro 3 standard.

The first batch of 8 Yutong ZK6118HGE registered in the end of Oct ., 2014 and first served shuttle service of the Macau Grand Prix on 13 Nov., 2014. Before they were deployed on Taipa route 22 to substitute the Hino Rainbow in Dec ., 2014, this batch of Yutong was stored in the depot. The remaining 18 ZK6118HGE entered service just before the Lunar New Year of 2015 and mainly serving route MT3 and MT3U (now known as route 73).

As no vehicles gross vehicle weight 15 tonnes or above was allowed to pass through Macau-Taipa Bridge (Ponte Governador Nobre de Carvalho), to ensure sufficient fleet for bus routes en-route the bridge, a batch of 21 ZK6118HGE together with a batch of 5 ZK6128HGE were exchanged with the same number of Yutong ZK6115HG1from New Era in the end of Oct., 2017. All Yutong ZK6118HGE were transferred, or backed to TCM on 1 Aug., 2018 when New Era was merged with TCM.

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