金旅 XML6105J15 A/T Golden Dragon XML6105J15 A/T

編號 Class:3162 - 3169


金旅客車提供予新時代的新車型號為XML6105J15 A/T,全長十點八米,不單止跟同一時間向宇通採購的ZK6105HG擁有一樣長度,而且擁有相同的載客量,能夠運載七十二名乘客,分別只是在於座位上的數字,共有二十八名乘客能夠安座車中。說到巴士機械配搭,金旅XML6105J15 A/T採用了玉柴引擎,搭配Allison全自動波箱,完全符合新時代車隊標準之外,亦達到了歐五排放標準。另外,金旅XML6105J15 A/T配備智能化雲總線系統,透過連接車上機件對巴士進行實時系統監控,分析車長駕駛行為及車輛故障情況,進一步加強車隊管理及提升行車安全。


隨著二零一八年八月一日,新時代併入澳巴,全數金旅XML6105J15 A/T亦正式轉為澳巴擁有。

The fleet of New Era is composed of Yutong product since the established of Reolian in 2011, with the exception of the Mitsubishi Rosa acquired in 2015. We saw a breakthrough as Golden Dragon from Xiamen, China successfully supplied a batch of 8 single decker the end of Dec. 2016, though Yutong still be the majority of the same tender issued from New Era.

The model that Golden Dragon supplied to New Era is XML6105J15 A/T and powered by a Euro 5 Yuchai engine with Allison fully automatic transmission. The overall length is 10.8m which same as the Yutong ZK6105HG introduced within the same tender. In addition, Golden Dragon XML6105J15 A/T can accommodate 72 passengers with 44 standees provided. Any mechanical failure and bus captain driving behaviour can be analyzed under an an intelligent real-time fleet management system and driving safety and fleet management can be enhanced.

The first Golden Dragon for New Era was seen on social media in the end of Jun., 2017 and finally delivered to Macau in end of Sep., 2017. Macau public bus service was serious affected after the typhoon Hato in Aug., 2017 and all operators released their new buses as soon as possible to replace the damaged fleet during the typhoon. However, the Golden Dragon XML6105J15 A/T was not include in the recovery fleet and finally, they were entered service on 12 Dec., 2017 and made their debut on route 10B. Soon after their commissioned, the Golden Dragon already serving most New Ear routes including 3, 3A, 10, 10A, 30 and MT2 which required full-sized single decker operation.

New Era was merged with TCM on 1 Aug., 2018 and the entire fleet of Golden Dragon XML6105J15 A/T then transferred to TCM.

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車隊編號 Fleet No.:3164
車牌 Registration No.:MX3729

車隊編號 Fleet No.:3166
車牌 Registration No.:MX3938

3166車廂,The compartment of 3166

車隊編號 Fleet No.:3167
車牌 Registration No.:MX3980

車隊編號 Fleet No.:3169
車牌 Registration No.:MX4087

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