金龍XMQ6103G A/T Kinglong XMQ6103G A/T

編號 Class:K

由八十年代尾日本產品主導,到九十年代尾大量引進歐洲廠家產品,新福利車隊就是經過這樣的轉變,在引進歐洲巴士差不多十年之後,新福利車隊的來源地又有所改變,並寫下澳門公共巴士服務的歷史,五架來自廈門的金龍XMQ6103G A/T城巿巴士,於二零零五年登陸澳門,為日後澳門引進國產巴士打開序幕。國產巴士之所以能成功進入澳門公共巴士巿場,背後原因主要因為澳門賭權開放,以及澳門歷史城區被列入世界文化遺產名錄,進一步吸引遊客訪澳,雖然提供更多發展機會予巴士公司,但另一方面,面對來自賭場專車及旅遊車爭奪員工下,為了維持服務及控制成本,昔日以小型巴士提供頻密班次的服務模式,被視為不合時宜,於是引進大容量的巴士,便成為出路。



The fleet of Transmac was dominated by Japanese products in 1980s and then the invasion of European buses during late 1990s, since 2005, we saw another significant change in Transmac fleet, the first China made bus both in the fleet and Macau public bus market. In 2005, Transmac introduced 5 Kinglong XMQ6103G A/T full-sized single decker from Xiamen, indicated the coming of the era of Chinese public buses served in Macau. Bus operators in Macau benefited from the growth of the gambling industry and the tourists, they also faced harsh competition on recruiting sufficient staff with casinos and tour company.

Providing frequent service with minibuses was considered inefficient on controlling operation costs and maintaining the service standard, and acquired more full-sized single deckers were resulted. The Kinglong of Transmac first introduced is powered by a Dongfeng Cummins engine with an Allison fully automatic gearbox. All of them are air-conditioned by Carrier-Sutrak roof-mounted unit. The Kinglong showed some resemblance with the MCV bodied Dennis Dart SLF instead of they are step-entrance. To go one step further, the selling price and delivery costs were much lower than Dennis Dart as Kinglong was built in the mainland, an attractive factor for Transmac turning to China made buses afterwards.

Route 1A, 3 and 34 was the first batch of routes served with Kinglong XMQ6103G A/T and then all of them were arranged on route 33 to cater the great demand of this Macau and Taipa trunk route, with their capacity of 67 passengers carried which was much higher than those minibuses. As their satisfactory performance, more purchasing orders for China made buses were made, but this time, the order went to Higer, manufactured by King Long United Motor Industries (Suzhou) Co. Ltd., another company under Xiamen King Long Motor Group Co. Ltd.

After the implemented of the new bus operation mode in Aug., 2012, all Kinglong XMQ6103G A/T were withdrawn due to they cannot meet the emission standard and before their retirement, none of them are fitted with electronic route display.

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車隊編號 Fleet No.:K01
車牌 Registration No.:MK6212
路線 Route:1
路線 Route:3
路線 Route:33

車隊編號 Fleet No.:K02
車牌 Registration No.:MK6192
路線 Route:33
路線 Route:34

車隊編號 Fleet No.:K03
車牌 Registration No.:MK6186
路線 Route:1A
路線 Route:暫停服務 Not In Service

車隊編號 Fleet No.:K04
車牌 Registration No.:MK6248
路線 Route:1A
路線 Route:33

車隊編號 Fleet No.:K05
車牌 Registration No.:MK6190
路線 Route:暫停服務 Not In Service

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