海格 KLQ6115GQ Higer KLQ6115GQ

編號 Class:H



新福利在這批新車上花了不少心思,先從機械配置方面說起,符合歐五排放標準的引擎雖然跟車隊中的海格一樣由康明斯供應,但這台引擎不是來自國內的東風康明斯,而是來自英國康明斯,全自動變速箱則仍然是由德國福伊特供應,整個機械佈局與丹尼士飛鏢相近,並足以驅動同樣來自蘇州的新同創空調系統,為乘客帶來一個舒適的旅程。在外觀上,這批海格配用特大擋風玻璃,大大改善車長駕駛視野,除了前門及中門外,新福利特意在車尾多設一道車門供乘客下車,令到巴士更加適合行走乘客上落頻繁的路線。至於車廂設計,新福利採用了二加一座位設計,合共提供二十四個座位及五十七個企位,巴士本身亦提供輪椅停泊區域,輸椅上落斜板則設於中門。一如早前引進的歐四版本海格KLQ6108GQ28E4,車廂提供有USB插頭供乘客在車程中為手提電話及手提電腦等充電,在兩側大面積車窗引進更多自然光下,令到整個車廂更為明亮。 唯一叫人較為失望,就是整架巴士未能以全低地台型式示人,在中門之後乘客需拾級而上,這亦令尾閘設有兩級梯級。


After the commissioned of a batch of 25 Higer KLQ6108GQ28E4, Transmac placed an additional order for new buses but the model this time is KLQ6115GQ. Higer KLQ6115GQ is 11.3m in length and featured with 3 doorways as the second hand Bristol acquired from UK in the Fok Lei era. The KLQ6115GQ acquired was as the replacement of the Dennis Dart SLF in the fleet.

Though the performance of the Dennis Dart SLF introduced between 2004 and 2005 is reliable and satisfactory, Transmac still need to purchase new buses to maintain the average age of the fleet not more than 7 years under the operation mode implemented since 2011. Since 1 Jul., 2011, Transmac deployed Dennis Dart 10m on route 4 and 9A while the 11m variant on route 5 to cater the high demand for the service.

Mechanical specification of the Higer KLQ6115GCQ is similar to the Dennis Dart with Cummins engine made in UK, instead of Dongfeng Cummins engine on the Higer in the fleet, and Voith fully automatic transmission was chosen. The cabin was air conditioned by New Tongchuang Auto Air-Conditioning which also is a Suzhou based company. The large windscreen brings excellent vision to driver and instead of the entrance and centre exit, an addition doorway was fitted at the rear to facilitate the cabin flow of passenger especially when serving routes with high patronage.

Transmac adapted the 2+1 seating arrangement and total 81 passengers can be carried with 24 seatings provided and wheelchair parking bay available with the ramp located at the centre exit. As the Higer KLQ6108GQ28E4 acquired in early 2016, USB chargers was fitted and more natural light can be penetrated into compartment through the large window at both sides. The only thing could be complained is the low floor area was ended at the centre exit and there is two steps for passengers alighted at the rear exit.

In early Aug., 2016, Transmac received it first Higer KLQ6115GQ painted with the latest yellow and white livery as the KLQ6108GQ28E4 delivered in Apr., 2016. the first of the batch was registered in Aug., 2016 and before the maiden trip made on 29 Aug., 2016 with the opening of route 51A, Transmac announced that the brand new Higer KLQ6115GQ will be allocated on route with high demand and except route 51A mentioned before, 3 doorways Higer can be seen on route 5 and 9A.

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