海格 KLQ6101G / KLQ6930G Higer KLQ6101G / KLQ6930G

編號 Class:K06 - K100,K116 - K125


當這批十米版本海格巴士投入服務一年後,有感澳門街道都是狹窄為主,於是新福利一口氣再向海格購入五十架新巴士(K36 - K85),不過是長度稍短的KLQ6930G,從型號可以知道,這批海格只有九點三米長度,比較只長六至七米的三菱Rosa,這批海格雖然車身稍長,但不失靈活性,加上能夠提供多達六十二人的載客量,對新福利需要進一步控制營運成本,同時增強路線營運能力有莫大幫助。至於機械規格方面,跟KLQ6101G一樣,只是打從K71開始,型號變成KLQ6930GE3,標誌引擎排放標準由盟二型提升到歐盟三型,當這批海格在二零零七到零八年投入服務後,迅即在各條以往利用小型巴士行走的路線,以至其他主幹線上擔當重任。

在二零零八年,新福利再一次購買十米版海格巴士(K86 - 100),型號為KLQ6101GE3,顧名思義是首批海格巴士的歐三版本,其餘機械配置跟前述二零零六年的KLQ6101G一樣。這批巴士特色在於新車時採用綠色磁控電子路線牌,但最終亦被換上車隊標準的橙色電子牌箱。而當全數十五架新車投入服務之後,國產巴士於新福利車隊中數量,剛好達到一百之數,顯示出海格巴士扮演的角色愈來愈重要。在二零零八年年底至零九年,新福利繼續向海格引進新巴士,首先二零零八年有長十二米的KLQ6126G,當全數十二米海格於到了二零零九年年中投入服務後,另一批十架的九點三米KLQ6930GE3(K116 - K125)亦緊隨其後加入新福利,新車在長度上可以說是各走極端。海格KLQ6930GE3車長較早年的KLQ6930GE3長了零點三一米,因而整體載客量可以多載六人,除了康明斯引擎屬歐盟三型排放標準,機械配置與先前其他海格巴士無異。


When the Kinglong from Xiamen proved to be suitable the operation environment of Macau, as to increase the carrying capacity and fleet renewal, Transmac placed further order for China made buses. The first 30 were Suzhou Kinglong, branded as Higer KLQ6101G and shared the same specification with the Kinglong XMQ6103G A/T, powered by a Dongfeng Cummins engine and air conditioned by Carrier-Sutrak. The transmission unit, however, Voith was chosen instead of Allison. The Higer is classed from K06, followed by the Kinglong in the fleet and showed the relationships among these two bus models. In addition, the electronic route display become the standard starting from this batch of Higer. Higer KLQ6930G can accommodate 30 seating and 36 standees passengers and they were deployed on route 2, 3A and 34 used to operate by the Mitsubishi Rosa.

Transmac found that most of the road in Macau was very narrow and resulted in the introduction of further 50 KLQ6930G 9.3m Higer bus (K36 - K85) between 2007 and 2008. With their good maneuverability and total 62 passengers can accommodate with 28 seats offered, these help to reduce the operation costs and enhance the operation efficiency. Starting K71 onwards, they were belonged to KL6930GE3 shared the same mechanical specifications except a Euro 3 standard Cummins engine fitted. Transmac not only deploy this batch of Higer on service used to serve with minibus but also on the trunk routes.

When acquired new buses from Higer in 2008, Tansmac turned to 10m Higer variants again (K86 - K100). Same mechanical specification with the previous Higer but with a Euro 3 Cummins engine fitted as indicated in the model name KLQ6101GE3. Moreover, Higer KLQ6101E3 was featured with a green flip-dot route display when new but replaced with the standard orange coloured LED display later. After their commissioned, there were total 100 Higer in Transmac fleet and playing a getting important role in the fleet. Higer keeping supply new bus to Transmac between the end of 2008 and 2009 with the longest model KLQ6126G followed by the shortest model KLQ6930GE3 (K116 - K125). The overall length of KLQ6930GE3 was 0.31m longer than the batch purchased in 2008. Total 66 passengers can be carried with 29 seats offered.

After the new bus operation mode implemented on 1 Aug., 2011, the brand new Higer KLQ6108GQ30 become the backbone of Transmac. KLQ6101G and KLQ6930G were forced to withdraw as they cannot comply with the Euro 3 emission standard, while the KLQ6101GE3 and KLQ6930GE3 used as reserve during the early stage of the new bus operation mode and mainly seen on route 25X and MT4 afterwards. Both models were withdrawn from revenue service and for hiring duties as more and more Higer new buses joined the fleet. Some KLQ6930GE3 were returned to revenue service again to cope with the whole day operation of roue 39 since Jan., 2016. Only K124 (MO1773) still using on revenue service as in Jan., 2020.

[ K06 - K35 ] [ K36 - K85 ] [ K86 - K100 ] [ K116 - K125 ]

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Higer KLQ6101G (K06-K35) [ back to top ]

車隊編號 Fleet No.:K06
車牌 Registration No.:ML9500
路線 Route:3A
路線 Route:34

車隊編號 Fleet No.:K07
車牌 Registration No.:ML9490
路線 Route:已退役 Withdrawn

車隊編號 Fleet No.:K09
車牌 Registration No.:ML9486
路線 Route:34

車隊編號 Fleet No.:K12
車牌 Registration No.:ML9507
路線 Route:34

車隊編號 Fleet No.:K21
車牌 Registration No.:ML9552
路線 Route:3A

車隊編號 Fleet No.:K23
車牌 Registration No.:ML9567
路線 Route:3A

車隊編號 Fleet No.:K25
車牌 Registration No.:ML9583
路線 Route:3A

車隊編號 Fleet No.:K26
車牌 Registration No.:ML9585
路線 Route:3A

車隊編號 Fleet No.:K30
車牌 Registration No.:ML9649
路線 Route:28A

車隊編號 Fleet No.:K31
車牌 Registration No.:ML9652
路線 Route:MT2

車隊編號 Fleet No.:K32
車牌 Registration No.:ML9652
路線 Route:32

車隊編號 Fleet No.:K35
車牌 Registration No.:ML9682
路線 Route:26A

Higer KLQ6930G,KLQ6930GE3(K36-K85) [ back to top ]

車隊編號 Fleet No.:K38
車牌 Registration No.:MM3414
路線 Route:專車 Reserved

車隊編號 Fleet No.:K39
車牌 Registration No.:MM3416
路線 Route:MT2

車隊編號 Fleet No.:K40
車牌 Registration No.:MM3417
路線 Route:33

車隊編號 Fleet No.:K43
車牌 Registration No.:MM3422
路線 Route:34

車隊編號 Fleet No.:K44
車牌 Registration No.:MM3424
路線 Route:5

車隊編號 Fleet No.:K45
車牌 Registration No.:MM3425
路線 Route:1
路線 Route: 暫停服務 Not In Service

車隊編號 Fleet No.:K49
車牌 Registration No.:MM3433
路線 Route:9A

車隊編號 Fleet No.:K51
車牌 Registration No.:MM3435
路線 Route:2A

車隊編號 Fleet No.:K55
車牌 Registration No.:MM4099
路線 Route:2

車隊編號 Fleet No.:K58
車牌 Registration No.:MM4103
路線 Route:2

車隊編號 Fleet No.:K59
車牌 Registration No.:MM4104
路線 Route:2

車隊編號 Fleet No.:K61
車牌 Registration No.:MM4106
路線 Route:2

車隊編號 Fleet No.:K65
車牌 Registration No.:MM4113
路線 Route:34

車隊編號 Fleet No.:K67
車牌 Registration No.:MM4115
路線 Route:2

車隊編號 Fleet No.:K71
車牌 Registration No.:MM4119
路線 Route:32

車隊編號 Fleet No.:K72
車牌 Registration No.:MM4120
路線 Route:25X

車隊編號 Fleet No.:K73
車牌 Registration No.:MM4121
路線 Route:32

車隊編號 Fleet No.:K75
車牌 Registration No.:MM4124
路線 Route:25X

車隊編號 Fleet No.:K76
車牌 Registration No.:MN4064
路線 Route:MT4

車隊編號 Fleet No.:K77
車牌 Registration No.:MN4067
路線 Route:25X

車隊編號 Fleet No.:K79
車牌 Registration No.:MN4069
路線 Route:9A

車隊編號 Fleet No.:K80
車牌 Registration No.:MN4070
路線 Route:26A

車隊編號 Fleet No.:K81
車牌 Registration No.:MN4076
路線 Route:25X

車隊編號 Fleet No.:K82
車牌 Registration No.:MN4077
路線 Route:26A

Higer KLQ6101GE3(K86-K100) [ back to top ]

車隊編號 Fleet No.:K86
車牌 Registration No.:MN5056
路線 Route:25X

車隊編號 Fleet No.:K87
車牌 Registration No.:MN5058
路線 Route:1

車隊編號 Fleet No.:K88
車牌 Registration No.:MN5067
路線 Route:1

車隊編號 Fleet No.:K91
車牌 Registration No.:MN5086
路線 Route:1

車隊編號 Fleet No.:K92
車牌 Registration No.:MN5107
路線 Route:25X

車隊編號 Fleet No.:K95
車牌 Registration No.:MN5382
路線 Route:1A
路線 Route:5
路線 Route:25X

車隊編號 Fleet No.:K98
車牌 Registration No.:MN5393
路線 Route:33

車隊編號 Fleet No.:K98
車牌 Registration No.:MN5387
路線 Route:專車 Reserved

車隊編號 Fleet No.:K99
車牌 Registration No.:MN5395
路線 Route:3
路線 Route:專車 Reserved

Higer KLQ6930GE3 (K116-K125) [ back to top ]

車隊編號 Fleet No.:K117
車牌 Registration No.:MO1759
路線 Route:MT4

車隊編號 Fleet No.:K120
車牌 Registration No.:MO1766
路線 Route:專車 Reserved

車隊編號 Fleet No.:K123
車牌 Registration No.:MO1772
路線 Route:4
路線 Route:MT4
K123車廂,The compartment of K123

車隊編號 Fleet No.:K124
車牌 Registration No.:MO1773
路線 Route:4
路線 Route:33
路線 Route:39

車隊編號 Fleet No.:K125
車牌 Registration No.:MO1775
路線 Route:2

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