丹尼士/亞歷山大丹尼士飛鏢 Dennis/Alexander Dennis Dart

編號 Class:D


遠東地區除了香港,馬來西亞(由當地聯營公司UMW-Dennis製造)及新加坡,丹尼士飛鏢亦成功打進了澳門公共巴士巿場。一九九五年底,新福利引進十架配Plaxton Pointer雙門版車身飛鏢巴士,成為繼亞比安及一眾二手雙層巴士之後,來自英國的車款。當十架新車於英國裝配完成,經香港運到澳門後,寫下了新福利首款後置引擎巴士車款紀錄,以及帶來全新福利車隊色彩。全數飛鏢機械配搭都是當年的標準,康明斯B系引擎,Allison全自動波箱及由引擎驅動的德國超卓空調系統。當年新福利引進丹尼士飛鏢目的是行走機場路線AP1,但其後小型巴士已經能應付,所以飛鏢便改為派往往返關閘及港澳碼頭的3號線,而事實上除了D01曾短暫服務AP1外,其餘九架新車甫一出牌便被派往3號線。這批飛鏢在服役期間車身曾作出改動,全密封車窗於大約二零零三年換上頂部設有透氣小窗的款式,當車長於冬天關上空調時,乘客可開啟小窗保持車廂空氣流通。


早在二零零六年,新福利分別於兩架飛鏢巴士(D33及D42)試驗兩款分別橙色LED及綠色磁控電子路線牌,隨著試驗成功,期後在二零零八至零九年間,全數飛鏢被換上這兩款電子路線牌,取代原有的路線牌布,最終全數飛鏢巴士亦換上橙色LED牌箱。當二零一一年八月一日,澳門巴士進入全新營運模式,首批十架Plaxton車身飛鏢因車齡及排放問題退役,而餘下的四十架飛鏢低地台巴士,則主力行走4,5,9A,偶爾出現於25及MT4路線。隨著新福利繼續向中國的海格車廠購入新車,D20 - D27及D30已經於二零一六年四月下旬從日常路線中退下來,轉作私人租賃之用。隨著新的海格三門巴士於二零一六年八月底投入服務,原先行走5號的飛鏢巴士,則獲安排轉為服務服務筷子基的32線。


It is not rare that Dennis Dart appeared in different sections of this website and you can know how success of this model. Benefited from simple chassis structure, a wide variety of bodyworks and low body frame were resulted. In addition, a reasonable mechanical specification also helped gaining purchase order from different bus operators.

At the end of 1995, 10 Dennis Dart with Plaxton Pointer dual doorways bodyworks were introduced by Transmac. Dennis Dart is the British bus model successfully entered Macau public bus market after the Ablion and those second-hand double decker. All Dennis Dart were bodied by Plaxton in UK and then sent to Hong Kong before delivery to Macau. The Dart left two records in Transmac: the first rear-engined bus model and the first to apply the new colour scheme. All of them powered by a Cummins B-series engine with Allison transmission and the German-made Sutrak air conditioning was driven by the main engine.

The purpose for introduction of Dennis Dart was serving the airport route AP1, but due to the low demand, only D01 was once allocated on AP1 and later the route was served by the Mitsubishi Rosa. D01 was then deployed with other Dennis Dart on the trunk route 3, operated between Portas do Cerco and the Jetfoil. In 2003, the original sealed window of Dennis Dart was replaced with window with opening at the top, this can ensure a good ventilation when the driver switched off the air-conditioning unit during winter.

A further 40 Alexander Dennis Dart SLF with two batches, the first 20 was 10m long while the remaining were 11m long, with MCV bodyworks from Egypt assembled by Soon Chow of Singapore were arrived at Macau in 2004. The Dart SLF10m provided 28 seatings plus 35 standees and the 11m version can accommodate 75 passengers with 30 seats offered. MCV bodywork fitted on the Dart SLF featured with no window at the rear and to be the standard for the full-sized single decker afterwards. Their specification were Cummins ISBe engine with either Allison or Voith gearbox. The air conditioning unit supplied by Carrier-Sutrak still driven by the main engine. Liked the Plaxton example, the MCV bodied Dart SLF mainly assigned to serve routes 1A, 3, 5 and 33.

Two Dennis Dart SLF, D33 and D42, were used as a test bed for two different brand electronic display in 2006, one was dot-martix blind while another was orange coloured LED route display. After the successful trial, Transmac replaced all traditional route display of Dennis Dart with these two types of electronic display between 2008 and 2009, and finally all Dennis Dart were changed the LED display. The new bus operation mode was implemented since, 1 Aug., 2011, as failed to comply with the Euro 3 emission standard, the Plaxton Pointer bodied Dart was retired on the same day while the Dart SLF, actively served route 4, 5, 9A and sometimes seen on supporting route 25 and MT4. Since the end of Apr., 2016, with more Higer joined Transmac, D20 - D27 and D30 were retired from revenue service and used on private hiring duties.

As the arrival of the Higer KLQ6115GCQ, those Dennis Dart SLF used to serve on route 5 were deployed on route 32 serving Fai Chi Kee and some Dart SLF were repainted with new Transmac livery. It should be mentioned cabin refurbishment works was carried out on D40, D42 and D46 according to the standard applied on the new bus but without any USB chargers. Several Dart were seriously damaged during the Typhoon Hato in 2017 and forced to write off, the 10m variant was taken off from revenue service after 29 Jul., 2018 and only the 11m variant remain in the fleet.

Though there was always rumour about the withdrawal of Dennis Dart in Macau, it still a common sight for a Dart running on route 32 until Transmac took the delivery of new buses in the future.

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[ D01 - D10 ] [ D11 - D30 ] [ D31 - D50 ]

Dennis Dart with Plaxton Pinter bodywork [ back to top ]

車隊編號 Fleet No.:D01
車牌 Registration No.:MF7709
路線 Route:33

車隊編號 Fleet No.:D02
車牌 Registration No.:MF7713
路線 Route:5
路線 Route:33

車隊編號 Fleet No.:D03
車牌 Registration No.:MF7714
路線 Route:5

車隊編號 Fleet No.:D05
車牌 Registration No.:MF7716
路線 Route:1A
路線 Route:33

車隊編號 Fleet No.:D06
車牌 Registration No.:MF7717
路線 Route:33

車隊編號 Fleet No.:D08
車牌 Registration No.:MF7990
路線 Route:1A

車隊編號 Fleet No.:D09
車牌 Registration No.:MF8001
路線 Route:33

車隊編號 Fleet No.:D10
車牌 Registration No.:MF8002
路線 Route:33

Dennis Dart SLF 10m with MCV bodywork [ back to top ]

車隊編號 Fleet No.:D12
車牌 Registration No.:MK4392
路線 Route:33
D12車廂,The compartment of D12

車隊編號 Fleet No.:D13
車牌 Registration No.:MK4396
路線 Route:33

車隊編號 Fleet No.:D14
車牌 Registration No.:MK4513
路線 Route:4
路線 Route:33

車隊編號 Fleet No.:D16
車牌 Registration No.:MK4586
路線 Route:4
路線 Route:33

車隊編號 Fleet No.:D18
車牌 Registration No.:MK4741
路線 Route:4
路線 Route:MT4

車隊編號 Fleet No.:D19
車牌 Registration No.:MK4744
路線 Route:5

車隊編號 Fleet No.:D20
車牌 Registration No.:MK4750
路線 Route:5
路線 Route:9A

車隊編號 Fleet No.:D22
車牌 Registration No.:MK6977
路線 Route:5
路線 Route:9A
路線 Route:25X

車隊編號 Fleet No.:D23
車牌 Registration No.:MK6978
路線 Route:5

車隊編號 Fleet No.:D25
車牌 Registration No.:MK6981
路線 Route:9A

車隊編號 Fleet No.:D26
車牌 Registration No.:MK6982
路線 Route:5

車隊編號 Fleet No.:D27
車牌 Registration No.:MK7132
路線 Route:9A

車隊編號 Fleet No.:D29
車牌 Registration No.:MK7147
路線 Route:4

Dennis Dart SLF 11m with MCV bodywork [ back to top ]

車隊編號 Fleet No.:D31
車牌 Registration No.:MK7475
路線 Route:3

車隊編號 Fleet No.:D32
車牌 Registration No.:MK7447
路線 Route:32

車隊編號 Fleet No.:D34
車牌 Registration No.:MK7454
路線 Route:25

車隊編號 Fleet No.:D35
車牌 Registration No.:MK7496
路線 Route:3

車隊編號 Fleet No.:D36
車牌 Registration No.:MK7498
路線 Route:5

車隊編號 Fleet No.:D37
車牌 Registration No.:MK7510
路線 Route:5
路線 Route:32

車隊編號 Fleet No.:D38
車牌 Registration No.:MK7682
路線 Route:3

車隊編號 Fleet No.:D40
車牌 Registration No.:MK7691
路線 Route:5
D40車廂,The compartment of D40

車隊編號 Fleet No.:D44
車牌 Registration No.:MK8094
路線 Route:3

車隊編號 Fleet No.:D45
車牌 Registration No.:MK8326
路線 Route:1A

車隊編號 Fleet No.:D46
車牌 Registration No.:MK8344
路線 Route:1A
路線 Route:32

車隊編號 Fleet No.:D48
車牌 Registration No.:MK8439
路線 Route:1A

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