豐田 Coaster Toyota Coaster




One of the most successful product of Toyota, Coaster successfully gained order from TCM in 1994. There was already thousand Toyota Coaster running in Hong Kong everyday for different purposes and in late 1980s, when air-conditioned bus service started to promote in Hong Kong, total 103 Toyota Coaster joined KMB and KCR Bus Division as franchised bus. The first batch of 20 Toyota Coaster joined TCM between 1994 and 1995. All of them are powered by a Toyota engine and fully automatic transmission unit.

Liked the Nissan Civillian, TCM was not the first Macau public bus operator to introduce Toyota Coaster. As the success of Mitsubishi Rosa made in Transmac, Toyota intended to gain market share in Macau and supply a demonstrator to Transmac in around 1992-93. Though further 5 Coasters were ordered in 1994, when Transmac acquired minibuses, Rosa still was the first choice. As mentioned before, TCM purchased 20 Toyota Coasters first in 1994, already outnumbered Trasnmac and a further order for 30 Coaster was made before 1996. Toyota Coaster was another standard minibuses in TCM besides Nissan Civillian and they can be easily seen on route 10A, 10B, 12 and airport route AP1. Those Coasters serving AP1 were equipped with a luggae rack.

After 12 years of service, all Toyota Coaster finally withdrawn from service by the end of Jul., 2011, just before the introduction of the new bus operation mode and they were replaced with the Wuzhoulong minibuses from China.

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車牌 Registration No.:MF4931
路線 Route:10A

車牌 Registration No.:MF4937
路線 Route:10

車牌 Registration No.:MF4949
路線 Route:10

車牌 Registration No.:MF5568
路線 Route:AP1

車牌 Registration No.:MF5573
路線 Route:AP1/暫停服務 Not In Service
路線 Route:21A

車牌 Registration No.:MG6255
路線 Route:25X

車牌 Registration No.:MG6256
路線 Route:11

車牌 Registration No.:MG6276
路線 Route:25X

車牌 Registration No.:MG6296
路線 Route:19

車牌 Registration No.:MG6299
路線 Route:21A

車牌 Registration No.:MG6342
路線 Route:11

車牌 Registration No.:MG6350
路線 Route:21
MG5350車廂,The compartment of MG6350

車牌 Registration No.:MG6351
路線 Route:21

車牌 Registration No.:MG6367
路線 Route:25X

車牌 Registration No.:MG6407
路線 Route:11

車牌 Registration No.:MG6424
路線 Route:15

車牌 Registration No.:MG6425
路線 Route:10B

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