平治O814 Mercedes Benz O814

編號 Class:B


平治O814小型巴士在英國深受歡迎,而為數三十架平治O814小型巴士亦跟大部份英國同款巴士一樣,全數配用英國Plaxton Beaver 2型車身,新福利替這批小型巴士選配的車身,跟英國版本最大分別是採取了雙門設計,前門上車,而位處尾軸後的車門則作下車用。這設計對於改善乘客車廂流動有莫大裨益,亦對減少行車時間有一定幫助。在之後時間當新福利再向三菱購入Rosa小巴,亦採取同樣的安排,可以說平治O814確立了小型巴士採用雙門安排。全數平治O814採用自家引擎,配以Allison全自動波箱,足夠推動由開利供應的空調系統。Plaxton Beaver 2型雙門車身能夠提供十九個座位及十一人企位,當全數巴士投入服務後,主要行走3A,5及離島路線26A,28A及33。


There were a significant change in the fleet of Transmac between 1995 and 1998. Followed by the success of Dennis Dart, MAN supplied a fleet of 10 13.230 with Hispano bodyworks to Transmac in 1997 and they are the first super low floor bus in Macau. For the choice of minibuses, Transmac acquired 30 O814 from Mercedes Benz of Germany in 1997.

Plaxton Beaver 2 bodyworks were chosen for the Transmac Mercedes Benz O814 and this is a very common combination in UK bus market. The O814 of Transmac adapted dual-door arrangement with the front door behind the front axle as entrance while the rear exit located behind the rear axle. Benefited from this arrangement, the flow within the compartment was improved and hence the journey time reduced. Since this design was proved to be successful, when Transmac introduced another batch of new Mitsubishi Rosa minibuses, same arrangement was chosen. The specification of the O814 is a Mercedes Benz engine with a Allison fully automatic transmission. The air conditioning was provided by Carrier and each Mercedes Benz O814 can accommodate 30 passengers with 19 seats provided. They were mainly served route 26A, 28A and 33.

The demand for public transport increased as more tourists attracted by different casinos and minibuses cannot meet the demand. More and more full-sized single deckers were ordered and the role of minibuses become less important than before.  The Mercedes Benz O814 of Transmac started to retire since 2009 and the last one was withdrawn in 2010. Until now, the only minibus type in Transmac was Mitsubishi Rosa.

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車隊編號 Fleet No.:B05
車牌 Registration No.:MG8744
路線 Route:3A

車隊編號 Fleet No.:B07
車牌 Registration No.:MG8770
路線 Route:3A

車隊編號 Fleet No.:B09
車牌 Registration No.:MG8761
路線 Route:28A

車隊編號 Fleet No.:B12
車牌 Registration No.:MG8747
路線 Route:28A

車隊編號 Fleet No.:B14
車牌 Registration No.:MG8762
路線 Route:2

車隊編號 Fleet No.:B15
車牌 Registration No.:MG8753
路線 Route:26A

車隊編號 Fleet No.:B18
車牌 Registration No.:MH1141
路線 Route:2
路線 Route:28A

車隊編號 Fleet No.:B21
車牌 Registration No.:MH1149
路線 Route:5

車隊編號 Fleet No.:B24
車牌 Registration No.:MH1417
路線 Route:28A
路線 Route:2

車隊編號 Fleet No.:B25
車牌 Registration No.:MH1418
路線 Route:26A

車隊編號 Fleet No.:B27
車牌 Registration No.:MH1468
路線 Route:2

車隊編號 Fleet No.:B28
車牌 Registration No.:MH1471
路線 Route:2

車隊編號 Fleet No.:B29
車牌 Registration No.:MH1476
路線 Route:3A

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