平治OH1318 Mercedes Benz OH1318




There was something new to Macau public bus market in the end of 1995 when the introduction Dennis Dart by Transmac. TCM followed to introduce new bus to it fleet with 4 Mercedes Benz OH1318 in Apr., 1996. Before the OH1318 arrived, TCM already run a fleet of 6 Mercedes Benz OF1313 with Luen Shing bodyworks of Hong Kong and deployed on it trunk service 10 together with the Nissan CB12, serving commuters between Portas do Cerco, Centro and Barra.

The chassis of Mercedes Benz OH1318 is rear-engined and manufactured in Brazil and this is the first time for TCM. Allsion fully automatic gearbox was chosen and driver can change the gear through a joy-stick liked level. All OH1318 chassis received their bodyworks at Luen Shing plant in Hong Kong before delivery to Macau. All of them were painted with the new TCM corporate livery. The air conditioning unit driven by an auxiliary engine with all windows can be opened during winter when the air conditioning unit was switched off.

The Mercedes Benz fleet showed their loyalty to route 10 until 1, Aug., 2011, when the new bus operation mode started, they were withdrawn from service as they cannot meet the standard of Euro 3 emission and already 16 years old. No more Mecedes Benz in the public bus market after their withdrawal till now.

車牌/路線 Registration No./Route: MF9602/10

車牌/路線 Registration No./Route: MF9606/10

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