猛獅 NL323 MAN NL323

編號 Class:請參照下列相片介紹,Please refer to captioned of photos below



在兩架猛獅14.250於二零一二年年初投入服務之後,愉景灣曾有一段時間未有再向猛獅購買任何新車,直到二零一八年才再有全新猛獅巴士加入愉景灣車隊,同時揭開了更新車隊的序幕。愉景灣交通服務有限公司首先於二零一八年一月下旬,接收一架由馬來西亞順豐裝配其Lion's City Hybrid車身的14.250中型單層低地台巴士,然後再於年中接收十二架NL323新車,當中有兩架屬歐六版本既NL323。全數十二架新車跟前述的14.250新車一樣,裝配有順豐的Lion's City Hybrid車身,由這批NL323開始,全自動波箱恢復採用ZF出品,整個動力組合足以驅動日本電裝空調系統。十架歐五版本的新車陸續自二零一八年八月投入服務,並取代了車隊中NL263以及唯一一架猛獅A84,亦一如以往新車繼承了退役車輛的原有車隊編號,全數Lion's City Hybrid車身的猛獅NL323能夠運載八十一名乘客,當中包括三十一個座位及五十個企位的載客量。

就在全數十架歐五版本NL323投入服務後大約一個月,首架符合歐六排放標準的NL323(DBAY117/VU4770)亦投入服務,取替了其中一架原車隊編號的華廈神龍電動巴士位置。兩部歐六版本NL323機械配搭仍是猛獅自家引擎搭配ZF全自動傳動系統,只是因應排放標準提升,除了沿用引擎廢氣再循環技術(EGR)外,同時加入選擇性催化還原法(SCR)技術,以達致更為嚴格的歐六排放標準,至於空調系統則仍是標準的日本電裝出品。DBAY117裝配的順豐Lion's City Hybrid車身屬Facelift款式,採用全新設計的車嘴及車尾引擎蓋款式,而因應遷就新增的尿素缸擺放位置,歐六版本NL323中門位置被移前了大約一個車窗位置,同時由於採用不同車廂佈局,座位數目較歐五版本多出兩人但同時減少了企位人數,令到總載客量只有七十六人,是車隊眾多版本NL323中最少的一款。而當第二架歐六版本新車DBAY198(VV2879)於二零一八年十一月投入服務後,同時代表全數NL263消失於愉景灣車隊,是次車隊更新計劃亦完滿結束。


Started from the NL262, MAN become the main supplier to DBTSL after the opening of the Discovery Bay Tunnel and different MAN bus models played a significant role in the fleet. As Euro 5 emission standard to be effective in Jun., 2012, MAN introduced the Euro 5 full-sized single decker NL323 to Hong Kong market.

DBTSL was the launched customer of NL323 in Hong Kong and took delivery of a Gemilang bodied sample (DBAY120/PE8346) in Apr., 2010 as a replacement of the Mercedes Benz O405 which carried the same fleet number. The combination of Man full-sized super low floor single decker with Gemilang bodywork form Malaysia become the standard after the introduction of MAN A84 in the early year. Bodywork fitted on DBAY120 was almost the same as seen on the NL273 with a much larger radiator grille at the rear was slightly different frontal design. For the mechanical specification, NL323 powered by a Euro 5 MAN engine with Voith fully automatic transmission and air-conditioning unit was from Nippon-Denso. Another NL323 was delivered in Apr., 2011 and took the place of a MAN NL262 (DBAY107). DBAY107 shared the identical design bodywork as seen on the NL273 and a pair of signal light was fitted on the front bumper. The compartment layout was slightly different among DBAY107 and DBAY120 though they can accommodate 78 passengers and two more seatings offered in DBAY107.

DBTSL did not acquire more new buses from MAN between 2012 and 2018 and followed by a brand new Gemilang Lion's City Hybrid bodied MAN 14.250 in Jan., 2018, DBTSL took further delivery of a batch of 12 NL323 as part of fleet renewal programme. Same as the 14.250, the MAN NL323 was bodied by Gemilang with their Lion's City Hybrid bodywork and the first 10 was Euro 5 version which shared the same mechanical driveline of DBAY107 and 120 except a ZF fully automatic transmission was chosen and compartment was still air-conditioned by Nippon-Denso. This batch of NL323 started to serve the residents since Aug., 2018 and inherited the fleet number from the NL263 and A84 being replaced. The super low floor compartment of NL323 offered 31 seatings plus 50 standees and they were the highest carrying capacity single decker in DBTSL fleet.

The remaining 2 NL323 were Euro 6 model and the first to be entered service in the end of Oct., 2018 and took the role of the GDEV electric bus in the fleet. DBAY117 (VU4770) featured with a facelift version of Lion's City Hybrid bodywork. Besides a new style of front and rear engine cover, the centre door also placed one bay further forward rather than immediately in front of the rear wheel for the accommodation of Adblue tank. Same as the Euro 5 variants, they were powered by the MAN engine coupled with fully automatic transmission from ZF and Nippon-Denso air-conditioning unit was fitted. To achieve the much stricter Euro 6 emission standard, both EGR and SCR technology were applied on this batch of NL323. With a different compartment layout, the total carrying capacity changed from 81 passengers to 76 on the Euro 6 version NL323. After the arrival of DBAY198(VV2879) in Nov., 2018, no more MAN NL263 left in the fleet.

A further 4 MAN NL323 Euro 6 were acquired to tie with the withdrawal of MAN NL273 and the remaining GDEV electric bus (DBAY116) and they were commissioned since Oct., 2021. They become the main component of the DBTSL fleet and mainly seen serving on Discovery Bay internal routes as well as the route DB01R to and from Tung Chung Town Centre.

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MAN A22 with Gemilang bodywork, Euro 5

車隊編號 Fleet No.:DBAY107
車牌 Registration No.:未出牌 Not Yet Registered
路線 Route : -
拍攝地點 Location:上水 彩暉街 Choi Fai Street, Sheung Shui
車牌 Registration No.:PU6943
路線 Route : DB01R
拍攝地點 Location:東涌巿中心巴士總站 Tung Chung Central Bus Terminus
路線 Route :DB03R 
拍攝地點 Location:愉景灣碼頭巴士總站 Discovery Bay Ferry Pier Bus Terminus
路線 Route :T9
拍攝地點 Location:愉景灣 愉景灣道 Discovery Bay Road,Discovery Bay
路線 Route :暫停服務 Not In Service
拍攝地點 Location:愉景灣 愉景灣道 Discovery Bay Road,Discovery Bay

車隊編號 Fleet No.:DBAY120
車牌 Registration No.:PE8346
路線 Route :DB01R
拍攝地點 Location:愉景灣 遊艇徑 Marina Drive, Discovery Bay
路線 Route :T9
拍攝地點 Location:愉景灣 愉景灣道 Discovery Bay Road,Discovery Bay
路線 Route :暫停服務 Not In Service
拍攝地點 Location:愉景灣碼頭巴士總站 Discovery Bay Ferry Pier Bus Terminus
路線 Route :-
拍攝地點 Location:上水 彩暉街 Choi Fai Street, Sheung Shui

MAN A22 with Gemilang Lion's City Hybrid bodywork, Euro 5

車隊編號 Fleet No.:DBAY70
車牌 Registration No.:VS6034
路線 Route :暫停服務 Not In Service
拍攝地點 Location:欣澳鐵路站巴士總站 Sunny Bay Railway Station Bus Terminus

車隊編號 Fleet No.:DBAY82
車牌 Registration No.:VR9429
路線 Route : DB03P
拍攝地點 Location:欣澳鐵路站巴士總站 Sunny Bay Railway Station Bus Terminus
路線 Route : T9
拍攝地點 Location:愉景廣場巴士總站 DB Plaza Bus Terminus

車隊編號 Fleet No.:DBAY97
車牌 Registration No.:VS9884
路線 Route : T4
拍攝地點 Location:愉景灣 愉景灣道 Discovery Bay Road,Discovery Bay

車隊編號 Fleet No.:DBAY168
車牌 Registration No.:VR8043
路線 Route : DB01R
拍攝地點 Location:東涌 順東路 Shun Tung Road, Tung Chung

車隊編號 Fleet No.:DBAY182
車牌 Registration No.:VR1696
路線 Route : T4
拍攝地點 Location:愉景灣 海澄路 Siena Avenue, Discovery Bay
路線 Route : T4
拍攝地點 Location:愉景灣 愉景灣道 Discovery Bay Road,Discovery Bay
路線 Route : T4
拍攝地點 Location:愉景廣場巴士總站 DB Plaza Bus Terminus

車隊編號 Fleet No.:DBAY183
車牌 Registration No.:VR1024
路線 Route : T4
拍攝地點 Location:愉景灣 愉景灣道 Discovery Bay Road,Discovery Bay

車隊編號 Fleet No.:DBAY185
車牌 Registration No.:VR1689
路線 Route :4A
拍攝地點 Location:愉景廣場巴士總站 DB Plaza Bus Terminus
路線 Route : T4
拍攝地點 Location:愉景灣 愉景灣道 Discovery Bay Road,Discovery Bay
DBAY185 車廂,The compartment of DBAY185

車隊編號 Fleet No.:DBAY186
車牌 Registration No.:VT2743
路線 Route : T9
拍攝地點 Location:愉景灣 愉景灣道 Discovery Bay Road,Discovery Bay

車隊編號 Fleet No.:DBAY187
車牌 Registration No.:VR7581
路線 Route :9
拍攝地點 Location:愉景廣場巴士總站 DB Plaza Bus Terminus
路線 Route : T4
拍攝地點 Location:愉景灣 海澄路 Siena Avenue, Discovery Bay

車隊編號 Fleet No.:DBAY199
車牌 Registration No.:VR9522
路線 Route :DB01R
拍攝地點 Location:東涌鐵路站 Tung Chung Railway Station

MAN A22 with Gemilang Lion's City Hybrid bodywork, Euro 6

車隊編號 Fleet No.:DBAY71
車牌 Registration No.:XU7064
路線 Route :9A
拍攝地點 Location:愉景灣 愉景灣道 Discovery Bay Road,Discovery Bay

車隊編號 Fleet No.:DBAY116
車牌 Registration No.:XS5084
路線 Route :4A
拍攝地點 Location:愉景廣場巴士總站 DB Plaza Bus Terminus

車隊編號 Fleet No.:DBAY117
車牌 Registration No.:VU4770
路線 Route : DB01R
拍攝地點 Location:愉景灣 遊艇徑 Marina Drive, Discovery Bay
路線 Route :暫停服務 Not In Service
拍攝地點 Location:愉景灣 愉景灣道 Discovery Bay Road,Discovery Bay
DBAY117 車廂,The compartment of DBAY117

車隊編號 Fleet No.:DBAY195
車牌 Registration No.:XR6598
路線 Route :4A
拍攝地點 Location:愉景廣場巴士總站 DB Plaza Bus Terminus

車隊編號 Fleet No.:DBAY196
車牌 Registration No.:XT5256
路線 Route :9A
拍攝地點 Location:愉景灣 愉景灣道 Discovery Bay Road,Discovery Bay

車隊編號 Fleet No.:DBAY198
車牌 Registration No.:VV2879
路線 Route :DB01R
拍攝地點 Location:東涌 順東路 Shun Tung Road, Tung Chung
路線 Route :DB03P
拍攝地點 Location:愉景灣 海澄路 Siena Avenue, Discovery Bay

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