Optare Solo SR
無障礙運輸概念早於九十年代末已經於公共專營巴士開始普及,目前除了新大嶼山巴士因路面環境所限,仍然營運一定數目非低地台巴士之外,其他專營巴士公司車隊早已全低地台化。反觀公共小巴,車輛仍是一般小型巴士,未有任何便利有需要乘客上落設施,更遑論可供輪椅停泊的位置。為回應社會要求進一步推展無障礙運輸至其他公共交通工具,政府於二零一七年提出「低地台小巴試驗計劃」,鼓勵小巴營辦商於途經醫院路線上,以試驗性質營運低地台小巴,方便有需要乘客之餘亦能提升服務質素。終於在立法會通過小巴座位由十六個增加至十九座大約一個月後,進智公交率先向英國車廠Optare訂購的Solo SR,於二零一七年七月七日運抵本港,成為全港首輛低地台公共小巴,寫下本港公共交通歷史的新一頁。
進智公交是次引進的新車為Optare出產的Solo SR,嚴格而言已經是一款中型低地台巴士,在英國廣受不同營運商所採用。Solo設計源於早年都城嘉慕出產的都城騎士小型巴士,Optare在一九八九年都城嘉慕倒閉後購入相關設計及生產權,略為修改設計後以Optare Metrorider推出市場,一直生產至二零零零年為止。自九十年代末,英國各大廠家集中資源於低地台巴士市場,當中Optare於一九九七年推出了Solo,作為Optare Metrorider的接班人。Optare Solo沿用Metrorider設計,將前軸安排於前門之前,加上原先前置引擎佈局改成後置引擎,造就出一個低地台區域,加上降低車廂之後與路面只有二百毫米距離,對有需要乘客包括長幼及輪椅人士進出車廂提供最大便利。在投產十年之後,廠方進一步推出Solo SR供客戶選擇,整體車身採用同廠中型巴士Versa的流線形設計,而Optare最後亦於二零一二年成功利用Solo SR取代舊版本的Solo。
進智公交是次為低地台小巴試驗計劃所引入的Solo SR,雖然已經是同型號中最細小的Slimline M790型號,但整體體積已經超過現行本港法例對小巴作出的長度及載重限制,因此需要得到有關方面的豁免,才能在港服務乘客。另外,法定公共小巴只容許運載十九名乘客,但低地台小巴原意是能夠替傷健人士提供全面公共交通服務,所以遇上乘坐輪椅乘客登車時,應否將其計算在法定載客量之內亦引起一番爭議,因為如果在滿座情況下仍容許輪椅乘客登車,將會令小巴出現超載情況。最終當局只批准Optare Solo可以運戴十九名乘客,當中包括使用輪椅的乘客,同時為免於有輪椅乘客登車後會出現超載,車廂有一張座椅改為摺椅,以便於車廂有輪椅乘客時收起,從而符合法定載客量要求。
經過一輪驗車程序及相關準備工作後,進智公交引進的Optare Solo SR終於於抵港約半年之後登記出牌,車牌號碼為VF7558,並隨後於二零一八年一月二十六日開始,以固定班次形式,於平日行走往返堅尼地城及瑪麗醫院的54M作試驗,成為本港首架可以接載輪椅人士的公共小巴。本港引進的Solo SR都是裝配有平治歐六排放標準引擎,以及Allison全自動波箱,空調系統由冷王供應,有別於本港其他公共巴士及小巴,其空調系統由三架冷氣機所組成,而電子路線牌箱則是常見的Hanover出品。VF7558在投入服務後,其原裝空調系統未能迎合營運需要,因而於行走四個月後被安排更換空調系統,最終於同年十月下旬完成有關工程並重新投入服務,隨後更披上贊助全車身廣告,以突出其全港首架低地台小巴的身份來。
The idea of "Transport for All' started with the franchised bus operators in the end of 90s and as at today, except for NLB with the limitation of road conditions, all franchised buses are low floor with wheelchair accessible. On the other hand, it was not wheelchair user friendly with no ramp as well as parking bay for wheelchair in the compartment. As a response to encourage other public transport to be wheelchair friendly, "Low-floor wheelchair accessible Public Light Bus trial scheme" was launched in 2017 and aimed at introduction of super low floor minibus serving the passengers in need on GMB routes serving hospital as well as upgraded the service standard. The first to be arrived was the Optare Solo SR ordered by AMS and delivered on 7 Jul., 2017 just after a month that the maximum seating capacity of light buses was changed from 16 to 19.
The Optare Solo SR widely operated in UK as both minibus or midibus and it was originated from the Metrorider. The story of Optare Metrodrider started in Nov., 1989 when MCW ceased production and it current designs and rights including Metrorider were offered to sale and Optare was successfully get it. The production of Optare Metrorider was until 2000 and replaced by the integral Solo super low floor midibus which first launched in 1997. Same as the Metrorider, the front axle of Solo was placed ahead of the entrance and the engine was relocated from the front to the rear so that a low floor area was achieved. To go one step further, entrance from the floor was only 200mm with kneeing suspension and great convenience was offered to the elderly and Passengers-in-wheelchair (PIW) when boarding or alighting. A completely-restyled version of the Solo, the Solo SR was unveiled in 2007, featured with curved side windows and sweeping roof (with the destination screen and air conditioning unit underneath) drawing from the Optare Versa. Optare successfully replaced the original Solo with the Solo SR in 2012.
Though the Optare Solo SR acquired by AMS was the smallest model Slimline M790, it overall dimensions already exceeds the regulations imposed on minibus in Hong Kong and exemption was required. Moreover, GMB was only permitted to carry 19 passengers and when the Solo is full with seated passengers, will it be violated the law when the PIW aboard. A folding seat was the solution to all the concerns mentioned above, the maximum passengers capacity of Solo remained 19 and the folding seats need to be folded when a PIW on board.
This Optare Solo of AMS was first registered as VF7558 in Jan., 2018, after six months of it delivery, and serving on route 54M running between Kennedy Town Station and Queen Mary Hospital on weekdays with fixed schedule since 26 Jan., 2018 and indicated the launch of first super low floor minibus service in Hong Kong. This Optare Solo prototype was powered by a Euro 6 Mercedes Benz engine with Allison fully automatic transmission and compartment was air conditioned by Thermo King units. The Thermo King air conditioning unit was composed of three air conditioner but this cannot cope with the weather in Hong Kong and resulted in replacement of the original unit in May, 2018 and backed to service in the end of Oct., 2018 with an allover advertisement promoted it identity of first super low floor minibus in Hong Kong.
The Optare Solo was a rare model in Hong Kong with parts supplied was a problem and VF7558 was forced to out of service since Jun., 2022 and finally delicenesed in May, 2024.