短車檔案室 Cute Bus File
一個向大家介紹香港單層及雙層短陣巴士,以及澳門及新加坡巴士的網站 A website focus on both single decker and short wheel-based double deckers as well as buses in Macau and Singapore
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所有相片除特別註明外,均由Bobby Liu拍攝,Unless other specified, all photos in this website were taken by Bobby Liu
如需要利用本網資源,或有任何意見,請透過本網Facebook專頁提出,If you would like to use the resources of our website or have any opinions, please contact us through Facebook
為方便瀏覽本網站,如有需要請先下載香港增補字符集, You are adviced to download HKSCS for convenience during visiting Cute Bus File