平治O405G Mercedes Benz O405G

SMRT前身的TIBS自成立以來,車隊都是由多款單層巴士組成,對比對手早於七十年代已經引進雙層巴士,構成很大的對比。踏入九十年代,隨著新加坡發展, TIBS除了向平治購買O405單層巴士外,還需要引入更大容量巴士,以滿足有增無減的需求,鑑於部份路面環境並不適合雙層巴士行走,於是促成了掛接巴士的出現。

一九九六年,TIBS及新加坡巴士各自向平治及富豪購入掛接巴士作評估用途,其中新加坡巴士的富豪B10MA,於后港廠房完成其都普車身裝配工作。至於TIBS的平治O405G掛接巴士樣板車,於西班牙Hispano Carrocera廠房完成車身裝嵌後,平治於新加坡的代理為隆重其事,以及搶先成為新加坡首架投入服務的掛接巴士,特意安排以貨機付運,堪稱「前無古人,後無來者」。這架O405G於一九九六年三月十四日登記出牌,車牌編號 TIB838H,迅即憑藉可以運載合共一百四十三名乘客 (五十四個座位及八十九個企位),成為當時新加坡載客量最高巴士,並於登記兩日後投入171路線行走。經過試驗之後,TIBS向平治車廠加訂五十六架O405G,並於一九九七年十月到翌年十一月投入服務。量產型新車於規格配置上與TIB838H相同,車身同樣由Hispano Carrocera提供,並採用Konvekta底置式空調系統。載客量方面,量產型新車比較樣板車少一個座位,令到總載客量只得一百四十二人。值得一提是部份O405G進行車廂翻新工程時增加了六個座位,同時減少可供企位面積,令到企位數目由八十九人變成七十三人,整體載客量變成一百三十二人。

TIBS在訂購新車時,仍然屬意平治車廠出品,除了十二米的O405,掛接版本O405G亦在車隊中佔一席位。於二零零零年增購二十九架O405G,車身方面雖然仍是Hispano Carrocera出品,但在這二十九架新車身上是屬於第二型版本,車頭較一型更加流線型,而在載客量方面亦再創下一個新紀錄,合共可運載五十九個座位乘客及九十個企位乘客。另外,電動倒後鏡亦是首次應用於是批O405G上。

緊接著第二批平治O405G掛接巴士,TIBS除繼續向平治購買最後十五架O405外,還大手購入一百五十八架O405G掛接巴士,除了一架TIB1024H採用由澳洲Volgren提供車身外,餘下新車雖然繼續由Hispano Carrocera提供車身,但款式換上由意大利著名汽車品牌法拉的長期合作夥伴,Pininfarina工作室設計的Habit車身,而TIBS同時是首個選用這款車身的客戶,這批巴士空調系統採用了Hispacold,載客量跟第二批O405G一樣可運載五十九個座位乘客及九十個企位乘客,並自二零零零年六月開始投入服務。在接下來的四年,TIBS合共向平治分批購入共二百零八架Habit版本車身的O405G,成為整支O405G車隊中數量最多的成員。

至於上文提及的TIB1024H是配用Volgren車身的O405G樣板車,外觀上與TIBS其他同期採用同廠車身相近,並且於馬來西亞完成車身裝嵌。Volgren車身O405G在載客量方面則比較遜色,合共只能乘載一百三十二人,當中包括五十九個座位。對比對手Hispano Carrocera,Volgren只能再從TIBS手上取得提供二十架O405G車身合約,成為整支O405G車隊中的少數民族,一如樣板車一樣,全數二十架新車於馬來西亞裝上來自Volgren的車身散件,並自二零零一年八月至翌年七月投入服務,成為車隊中最後一批採用這家澳洲車身廠產品的巴士。

至於新捷運前身新加坡巴士除了如前文所述,向富豪引進B10M掛接巴士作試驗外,亦於一九九七年從平治手上引進一架配澳洲Volgren CR221車身的O405G,不過新捷運繼續情於雙層空調巴士,掛接巴士未有於車隊開枝散葉。雖然這架平治O405G樣板巴士稍後獲披新運企業色彩,但最終於二零零六年與富豪B10MA一併從車隊退下來,被出售到紐西蘭渡過餘生。

經過十多年服務生涯,直到二零一九年十月,仍然留在SMRT車隊的O405G全為Hispano Carrocera Habit車身版本,隨著陸路交通管理局希望全數車隊都是可供輪椅乘搭的無障礙巴士,帶有梯級的O405G正被加决淘汰,預料未來一到兩年內退役。儘管陸路交通管理局在引進新巴士時候傾向購買雙層巴士,但掛接巴士在新加坡的故事並未因O405G退役而完結,SMRT於二零一三年至一四年間向另一德國車廠猛獅購買四十架NG363 掛接巴士,作為替代退役的平治掛接巴士。

TIBS, the former of SMRT, operated a full single decker fleet in contrast to the double decker fleet operated since 1970s by its rival. The O405 acquired from Mercedes Benz in 1990s cannot cope with the demand and development of Singapore, TIBS therefore looking for a bus model with higher capacity and the O405G was the answer.

As some road conditions was not suitable for double decker operation, introduction of articulated bus was resulted and two demonstrator bus, Volvo B10MA for SBS and Mercedes Benz O405G for TIBS were delivered to Singapore in 1996. Unlike the B10MA received it bodywork locally, the O405 prototype was completely built up by Hispano Carrocera in Spain and deliver by a freighter in order to beat Volvo into service. Finally, this demonstrator become the first articulated bus into service in Singapore after received it registration TIB838H on 14 Mar., 1996 and made it maiden trip on route 171 two days later. TIB838H was fitted with an underfloor air-conditioning unit from Konvekta and can accommodate 143 passengers with 54 seats offered which leave a new record in Singapore. The performance of TIB838H was satisfactory after evaluation and further order of 56 units with Hispano Carrocera was made and commissioned into service between Oct., 1997 and Nov., 1998. Total capacity of the production unit was 142 passengers with 53 seats offered and reduced to 132 after refurbishment, as a result of 16 standees reduced together with 6 more seats added.

Mercedes Benz still the first choice for TIBS when acquiring new buses in 2000, not only the rigid O405 but also the articulated version O405G was ordered. The purchasing order included a batch of 29 O405G bodied by Hispano Carrocera with their Mk 2 type bodywork. The frontal of the Mk 2 bodywork was much streamlined than the Mk 1 type and can be accommodated more passengers with total 149 passengers can be carried (59 seats plus 90 standees), another new record in Singapore Bus history. In addition, electronically controlled wing mirrors was first fitted on this batch of Hispano Carrocera Mk 2 O405G.

Instead of the last 15 O405 with Volgren bodyworks were order followed with the Hispano Carrocera Mk 2 O405G, TIBS acquired 158 O405G and except TIB1024H, the Volgren bodied demonstrator, all of them were fitted with the stylish Habit bodywork by Hispano Carrocera. The Habit bodywork was designed by Pininfarina, a famous design house in Italy, and TIBS was the very first customer choosing the Habit bodywork. The O405G Habit was air-conditioned by Hispacold and 59 seatings with 90 standees were provided. The first of the batch was entering service in Jun., 2000 and total 208 O405G Habit was ordered with different batches which is the largest family in the O405G fleet of TIBS.

Like the rigid O405, a small batch of O405G received their bodyworks by Volgren and joined TIBS between Aug., 2001 and Jul., 2002 after the successful evaluation made by TIB1024H, all Volgren bodied O405G including the demonstrator were completed their bodyworks at Malaysia. Only 132 passengers can be carried and no more Volgren bodied buses joined TIBS or SMRT afterwards.

Instead of evaluated Volvo B10MA, SBS also introduced a Mercedes Benz O405G with Vogren CR221 bodywork for trial, however, it cannot gain any success and SBS focus on the air-conditioned double decker. Though received the latest SBS Transit corporate livery, it was sold to New Zealand together with the Volvo B10MA in 2006.

Only the O405G Habit survived as in Oct., 2019 and they were expected to be retired shortly not later than 2020 because LTA accelerating the progress of full wheelchair accessible bus operation. The story of articulated bus in Singapore is still continue despite LTA acquiring double decker when looking for high capacity bus, total 40 MAN NG363 articulated bus were introduced by SMRT as a replacement of the aging O405G between 2013 and 2014.

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車牌 Registration No.:TIB880J
路線 Route:188
車身 Bodyworks:Hispano Mk 1

車牌 Registration No.:TIB891C
路線 Route:180
車身 Bodyworks:Hispano Mk 1

車牌 Registration No.:TIB895S
路線 Route:180
車身 Bodyworks:Hispano Mk 1

車牌 Registration No.:TIB973A
路線 Route:67
車身 Bodyworks:Hispano Mk 2

車牌 Registration No.:TIB974Y
路線 Route:67
車身 Bodyworks:Hispano Mk 2

車牌 Registration No.:TIB976S
路線 Route:67
車身 Bodyworks:Hispano Mk 2

車牌 Registration No.:TIB982Z
路線 Route:854
車身 Bodyworks:Hispano Mk 2

車牌 Registration No.:TIB991Y
路線 Route:180
車身 Bodyworks:Hispano Mk 2

車牌 Registration No.:TIB1022M
路線 Route:854
車身 Bodyworks:Hispano Habit

車牌 Registration No.:TIB1035B
路線 Route:180
車身 Bodyworks:Hispano Habit

車牌 Registration No.:TIB1040K
路線 Route:960
車身 Bodyworks:Hispano Habit

車牌 Registration No.:TIB1101T
路線 Route:188
車身 Bodyworks:Hispano Habit
路線 Route:300

車牌 Registration No.:TIB1131G
路線 Route:854
車身 Bodyworks:Hispano Habit

車牌 Registration No.:TIB1142A
路線 Route:960
車身 Bodyworks:Hispano Habit

車牌 Registration No.:TIB1143Y
路線 Route:913T
車身 Bodyworks:Hispano Habit

車牌 Registration No.:TIB1145S
路線 Route:913
車身 Bodyworks:Hispano Habit

車牌 Registration No.:TIB1146P
路線 Route:912A
車身 Bodyworks:Hispano Habit

車牌 Registration No.:TIB1149G
路線 Route:854
車身 Bodyworks:Hispano Habit

車牌 Registration No.:TIB1157H
路線 Route:901
車身 Bodyworks:Hispano Habit

車牌 Registration No.:TIB1165J
路線 Route:911
車身 Bodyworks:Hispano Habit

車牌 Registration No.:TIB1176C
路線 Route:854
車身 Bodyworks:Hispano Habit

車牌 Registration No.:TIB1184D
路線 Route:912B
車身 Bodyworks:Volgren

車牌 Registration No.:TIB1185B
路線 Route:911
車身 Bodyworks:Volgren
路線 Route:911T

車牌 Registration No.:TIB1208U
路線 Route:67
車身 Bodyworks:Hispano Habit

車牌 Registration No.:TIB1225U
路線 Route:857
車身 Bodyworks:Hispano Habit

車牌 Registration No.:TIB1228L
路線 Route:169
車身 Bodyworks:Hispano Habit

車牌 Registration No.:TIB1243S
路線 Route:960
車身 Bodyworks:Hispano Habit

Hispano Habit 車身O405G車廂,The compartment of a Hispano Habit bodied O405G

車牌 Registration No.:SBS999U
路線 Route:18
車身 Bodyworks:Volgren CR221

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