早於一九九零年到九三年,SMRT前身八達巴士分兩批購入合共三十四架DAF SB220,配用西班牙Hispano Carrocera車身,當中有二十架DAF於一九九七到一九九八年被安排轉往Singapore Shuttle Bus(SSB)服役以取代原先的小型巴士,餘下十架則出售到英國。而在一九九五至一九九七年間,八達巴士再向DAF訂購五十架SB220時,則選配了英國亞歷山大提供的Sentanta車身。服務於SSB的Hisapno車身DAF最後於二零零四年,隨著路線605取消而退出營運,並出售到紐西蘭行走。

截至目前,仍然有四十五架DAF服務於SMRT車隊,並且已經進行車廂翻新工程。TIB700X於二零零二年因交通意外,車頭組件被換成Hisapno車身平治O405款式。這批DAF SB220會於二零一二年十月開始分批退役。

Totally 34 DAF SB220 with Hispano Carrocera bodyworks were introduced by TIBS with two batches between 1990 and 1993. 20 of this batch DAF SB220 were then transferred to Singapore Shuttle Bus (SSB) between 1997-1998 to replace the minibuses used on this service. All remaining Hispano bodywork samples were then sold to UK. A further 50 DAF SB220s were acquired between 1995-97 and all of them were bodied by Walter Alexander with their Sentanta bodyworks. Those DAFs served with SSB were withdrawn in 2004 and sold to New Zealand after the cancellation of service 605.

At present, 45 DAF SB220s left in SMRT fleet and already undergone cabin refurbishment. A Hispano Mercerdes Benz O405 front was fitted on TIB700X after an accident in 2002. All DAF SB220s will be phased out since Oct., 2012

車牌 Registration No/路線 Route:TIB700X/173

車牌 Registration No/路線 Route:TIB705H/75

車牌 Registration No/路線 Route:TIB709Y/75

車牌 Registration No/路線 Route:TIB711P/970

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