宇通ZK6115HG1 Yutong ZK6115HG1

編號 Class:3098 - 3137



新時代宇通ZK6115HG1自二零一六年十月下旬開始運抵澳門,隨於十一月十四日開始投入服務,迅即派往行走往返司打口及關閘的3A線,以及來往台山李寶樁街及氹仔的30號線,除了上述路線,新時代亦曾安排它們行走其他路線如3,3X,71及MT1。二零一七年十月底開始,亦即這批宇通服務接近一年時間,由於需要配合澳門政府嚴格執行,限制車重達十五噸或以上車輛駛過舊澳氹大橋(嘉樂庇總督大橋),為確保新時代姊妹公司澳巴,能夠有足夠符合規定的巴士行走過橋巴士路線,兩間公司進行了車隊交換工作,當中二十六架ZK6115HG1(車隊編號3098 - 3123)被調撥至澳巴車隊,以作交換自澳巴車隊的宇通ZK6118HGE及ZK6128HGE。


After the commissioned of Mitsubishi Rosa, New Era received a batch of 40 full-sized low floor single decker from Yutong in 2016 and improved the carrying capacity of the fleet.

This batch of Yutong acquired by New Era is ZK6115HG1 and all are 10.8m in length, same as the ZK6118HGE ordered in 2014. Total 70 passengers can be carried by ZK6115HG1 and the most distinctive feature is the "Eagle-Eyed" frontal design was applied on the ZK6115HG1. The standard driveline for New Era, Yuchai engine from the mainland with fully automatic transmission from Allison, can be seen on ZK6115HG1 and complied with the Euro 5 emission standard, another Euro 5 bus model in the fleet after the Mitsubishi Rosa.

The Yutong ZK6115HG1 started to deliver to Macau since the end of Oct., 2016 and first entering service on 14 Nov., 2016 on route 3A and 30 and they were also seen on serving route 3, 3X, 71 and MT1. As no vehicles gross vehicle weight 15 tonnes or above was allowed to pass through Macau-Taipa Bridge (Ponte Governador Nobre de Carvalho), to ensure sufficient fleet for bus routes en-route the bridge operated by TCM, a batch of 26 ZK6115HG1 (fleet no. 3098 - 3123) was exchanged with the same number of Yutong bus from TCM including 5 ZK6128HGE and 21 ZK6118HGE since the end of Oct., 2017.

The remaining Yutong ZK6115HG1 were become member of T.C.M on 1 Aug., 2018 as New Era merged to T.C.M on the same day.

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車隊編號 Fleet No.:3100
車牌 Registration No.:MW5298

車隊編號 Fleet No.:3101
車牌 Registration No.:MW5309

3101車廂,The compartment of 3101

車隊編號 Fleet No.:3103
車牌 Registration No.:MW5357

車隊編號 Fleet No.:3118
車牌 Registration No.:MW5794

車隊編號 Fleet No.:3124
車牌 Registration No.:MW5894

車隊編號 Fleet No.:3126
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車隊編號 Fleet No.:3129
車牌 Registration No.:MW6023

車隊編號 Fleet No.:3131
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車隊編號 Fleet No.:3132
車牌 Registration No.:MW6043

車隊編號 Fleet No.:3135
車牌 Registration No.:MW6101

車隊編號 Fleet No.:3137
車牌 Registration No.:MW6160

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