猛獅 12.240 / 14.250 MAN 12.240 / 14.250

編號 Class:DBAY79,109,110,175,176,179


猛獅是次向愉景灣提供了兩台12.240底盤,從型號小數點前的兩位數目字,可以得知該車型可承受十二公噸的重量,至於小數點後三個數目字則反映引擎最高輸出馬力。在愉景灣引進這兩架12.240時候,來自馬來西亞的順豐,早已經成為車隊購買猛獅新車的指定車身供應商,故此有關方面在這兩部新車車身上亦不作他想。順豐在這兩架12.240上所裝配的車身,外觀上跟新加坡新捷運的Scania K230UB相近。在機械配搭方面,兩架12.240新車裝配猛獅歐盟四型引擎及ZF全自動傳動系統,愉景灣特意於兩車車尾引擎蓋貼有宣傳字樣,向居民傳遞這是區內首批符合相關歐四排放標準巴士的訊息。由主引擎驅動的空調系統由日本電裝提供,而由於低地台區域主要用作企位,故此在載客量方面,合共提供二十七人座位及二十九個企位,並一併於車廂內提供了一個行李架。這兩架猛獅12.240不單止接替了平治O405在隊中的位置,同時繼承了原先的車隊編號 (DBAY109及110),於二零零九年一月開始服務區內居民。


到了二零一七年為替代車隊中最後一架猛獅12.220 (DBAY79/KR1965),愉景灣向猛獅增購一架14.250新車,機械配搭等跟之前的新車大同小異,不過外觀卻存在很大差異,愉景灣替這架新車選取了順豐的Lion's City Hybrid車身,同款車身在本港主要裝配於猛獅大型單層巴士底盤上。除了外觀跟之前的猛獅中型巴士有所不同,機械配搭仍舊維持歐五標準的猛獅引擎以及ZF全自動波箱,以及日本電裝的空調系,車廂內提供二十九個座位,以及三十二個企位。這架猛獅14.250新車於二零一七年年底登記出牌後交付愉景灣,車隊編號一如以往繼承自原先的12.220,隨後於二零一八年一月下旬投入服務,並安排行走9A線直到被DBAY179取代為止。

說到DBAY179,這是愉景灣於二零一九年購買的新車,以取代原先使用同編號的豐田Coaster。除了採用歐六排放標準引擎外,其他機械配搭都與DBAY79一樣,車身方面則跟兩架歐六版本NL323一樣,裝配由順豐提供的Lion's City Hybrid Facelift版車身。除了外觀上的改變外,DBAY179車廂內配置了可調校,附有腳踏的高背客車座椅,仿木紋地台以及合共兩個行李架,一切配置都彷彿是為行走機場路線而設,而載客量方面則略為減少至五十八人。DBAY179於二零二零年四月十七日正式投入服務,並取代DBAY79成為9A線指定用車。

DBAY109,110,175及176在新車時都是配用國產凱倫綠色電子路線牌,而DBAY79及179則採用Hanover橙色LED牌箱。愉景灣於隨後時間,替DBAY109及110換上由馬來西亞Natto Auto & Engineering Sdn Bhd製作的橙色LED路線牌,而DBAY175及176則被換上Hanover橙色LED牌箱。


The first pair of Mercedes Benz O405 of DBTSL reached 13 years old in 2008 and need to undergo COF (Certificate of Fitness) for their license renewal. In Dec., 2008, however, DBTSL decided to withdraw them to save the cost and time of COF and a pair of MAN 12.240 were acquired as a replacement which was the first model that comply with the Euro 4 emission standard.

For the type designation 12.240, 12 means that the maximum gross weight of the bus was 24 tonnes while 240 means that the maximum power of the engine was 240 hp. At the time when DBTSL purchased this pair of MAN 12.240, Gemilang of Malaysia already become the sole bodywork supplier on MAN chassis in the fleet and the bodywork fitted on the 12.240 was highly resembled to the Scania K230UB of SBS Transit in Singapore. A Euro 4 emission standard MAN engine was fitted with ZF fully automatic transmission and powerful enough to drive the Nippon-Denso air conditioning unit. To promote their environmental friendly feature, their engine cover was decorated with a special designed sign. The carrying capacity of MAN 12.240 was 56 passengers with a large standing bay was provided within the low floor area which 29 standees were allowed. In addition, a luggage rack was fitted within the compartment adjacent to the entrance. The fleet number of the retired O405 was applied on this pair of MAN 12.240 and they started to serve Discovery Bay residents since Jan., 2009.

A further delivery of MAN new buses to DBTSL were made in 2011 including a pair of 14.250, though they were also bodied by Gemilang, there were slightly differences between them and the 12.240. As mentioned before, the type designation 14.250 indicated that the maximum gross weight was 14 tones with maximum power of engine was 250 hp. To go one step further, MAN 14.250 was belonged to the A66 series while the 12.240 was same as the 12.220 acquired in 2002, a member of MAN A76 series. MAN 14.250 was powered by a MAN Euro 5 engine with ZF fully automatic gearbox, the air conditioning unit still supplied by Nippon-Denso. Though they already arrived in 2011, to make them much suitable for the operation environment in Discovery Bay, this pair of 14.250 were stored at the dealership for modification works and finally delivered to DBTSL in early 2012. DBTSL allocated DBAY175 and DBAY176 as their fleet number and they were commissioned in Feb., 2012.

The last MAN 12.220, DBAY79 (KR1965), reached the end of it service life in 2018 and DBTSL acquired a MAN 14.250 as replacement. It shared same mechanical specification with DBAY175 and 176 but with a different appearance, Gemilang Lion's City Hybrid bodywork was fitted which mainly seen on the MAN full-size single decker chassis in Hong Kong. It can carried 61 passengers with 29 seatings offered and air conditioned by Nippon-Denso. This sole MAN 14.250 was delivered and registered in Dec., 2017 and inherited DBAY79 as fleet number and started to serve the community since Jan., 2018 as scheduled bus of route 9A.

DBTSL took delivery of another MAN 14.250 in 2019 and this was Euro 6 example as a replacement of a Toyota Coaster (DBAY179/ME3308), the driveline was MAN engine with ZF fully automatic gearbox and Nippon-Denso air conditioning unit. It was fitted with Lion's City Hybrid Facelift bodywork from Gemilang seen on the Euro 6 version MAN NL323 in the fleet. Within the compartment, adjustable high-back coach seats with foot rests, wood-effect floor and two luggage racks were fitted and these were for the operation of airport service. 25 seatings and 33 standees were provided and 3 less passengers can be carried when compared with DBAY79. DBTSL classed this Euro 6 version 14.250 as DBAY179 and entered service on 17 Apr., 2020 and took the place of DBAY79 on route 9A.

The original electronic route display on DBAY109,110, 175 and 176 was supplied by Canrun of Shanghai while Hanover product found on DBAY79 and 179. DBTSL later replaced the Canrun product on DBAY109 and 110 with orange coloured LED display from a Malaysian manufacturer Natto Auto & Engineering Sdn Bhd. In addition, both DBAY175 and 176 were changed to Hanover orange coloured LED display.

All the MAN midibuses serving the internal service like route 2, 5 and 9A due to their relatively low carrying capacity, DBAY109 and DBAY110 were withdrawn from service as the arrival of brand new Euro 6 MAN A95 in Apr. and May, 2020 respectively.

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MAN 12.240 with Gemilang bodywork

車隊編號 Fleet No.:DBAY109
車牌 Registration No.:NS162
路線 Route:8
拍攝地點 Location:愉景灣 愉景灣道 Discovery Bay Road,Discovery Bay
路線 Route:9A
拍攝地點 Location:愉景灣 愉景灣道 Discovery Bay Road,Discovery Bay
路線 Route:C4
拍攝地點 Location:愉景灣碼頭巴士總站 Discovery Bay Ferry Pier Bus Terminus
路線 Route:T3
拍攝地點 Location:愉景廣場巴士總站 DB Plaza Bus Terminus
路線 Route:暫停服務 Not In Service
拍攝地點 Location:愉景灣 遊艇徑 Marina Drive, Discovery Bay

車隊編號 Fleet No.:DBAY110
車牌 Registration No.:NR9546
路線 Route:8
拍攝地點 Location:愉景灣碼頭巴士總站 Discovery Bay Ferry Pier Bus Terminus
路線 Route:9A
拍攝地點 Location:愉景灣 海澄路 Siena Avenue, Discovery Bay
路線 Route:FS
拍攝地點 Location:愉景灣 海澄路 Siena Avenue, Discovery Bay
路線 Route:T2
拍攝地點 Location:愉景灣 愉景灣道 Discovery Bay Road,Discovery Bay
路線 Route:已退役 Withdrawn
拍攝地點 Location:愉景灣 遊艇徑 Marina Drive, Discovery Bay
DBAY110車廂 Compartment of DBAY110

MAN 14.250 with Gemilang bodywork

車隊編號 Fleet No.:DBAY175
車牌 Registration No.:RE8750
路線 Route:3
拍攝地點 Location:愉景灣碼頭巴士總站 Discovery Bay Ferry Pier Bus Terminus
路線 Route:8
拍攝地點 Location:愉景灣 蘅欣徑 Caperidge Drive,Discovery Bay
路線 Route:C9
拍攝地點 Location:愉景灣 海澄路 Siena Avenue, Discovery Bay

車隊編號 Fleet No.:DBAY176
車牌 Registration No.:RE8854
路線 Route:2/3
拍攝地點 Location:愉景灣 愉景灣道 Discovery Bay Road,Discovery Bay
路線 Route:5
拍攝地點 Location:愉景廣場巴士總站 DB Plaza Bus Terminus
路線 Route:9A
拍攝地點 Location:愉景灣 海澄路 Siena Avenue, Discovery Bay
路線 Route:T2
拍攝地點 Location:愉景灣 愉景灣道 Discovery Bay Road,Discovery Bay
路線 Route:暫停服務 Not In Service
拍攝地點 Location:上水 彩暉街 Choi Fai Street, Sheung Shui

MAN 14.250 with Gemilang Lion's City Hybrid bodywork

車隊編號 Fleet No.:DBAY79
車牌 Registration No.:VE8760
路線 Route:2
拍攝地點 Location:愉景廣場巴士總站 DB Plaza Bus Terminus
路線 Route:9A
拍攝地點 Location:愉景灣 海澄路 Siena Avenue, Discovery Bay
路線 Route:9A
拍攝地點 Location:愉景灣 愉景灣道 Discovery Bay Road,Discovery Bay

MAN 14.250 (Euro 6) with Gemilang Lion's City Hybrid Fcaelift bodywork

車隊編號 Fleet No.:DBAY179
車牌 Registration No.:WN3965
路線 Route:9A
拍攝地點 Location:愉景廣場巴士總站 DB Plaza Bus Terminus
路線 Route:9A
拍攝地點 Location:愉景灣 海澄路 Siena Avenue, Discovery Bay
DBAY179車廂 Compartment of DBAY179

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