丹尼士長矛 Dennis Lance (九巴KMB)

編號 Class:AN



全數二十四架長矛均配上亞歷山大的PS型車身,空調系統跟同門飛鏢一樣由德國超卓提供,除了一架機場版樣板車 (AN11/FP6762) 是於英國亞歷山大廠房完成車身裝嵌,其餘二十三架都是九巴於屯門裝嵌廠完成車身裝配工作。首十二架(AN1-10,12及13)全數配用雙門巴士版車身,提供四十五人座位及三十三人企位,而前門更打破傳統是一道寬闊的前門,配合低矮地台,雖然仍有一級梯級,但對於加快乘客上落時間及速度有顯著幫助。另外十一架新車 (AN14-24) 則如樣板車一樣配用單門客車版車身,合共可運載六十五名乘客,並裝上行李架及高背絲絨坐位,用作擴充及更新機場巴士車隊。首批新車於一九九三年五月至七月陸續領牌後,巴士版新車迅即被安排接替當年向雅高租用的日野巴士行走30X及238X路線至於單門版機場巴士則被安排行走啟德機場路線,直到啟德機場於一九九八年七月五日關閉為止。就在長矛巴士投入服務不久,空調巴士日漸受到巿民歡迎,而為了滿足需求,九巴集中資源引進更多雙層空調巴士,未有再購入任何大型單層巴士,直到二零零九年引進瑞典Scania產品為止。

在往後時間,因應客量增加,雙門版長矛先後從30X及238X抽調出來,當中兩架長矛改為行走隧道路線110少部份則於稍後時間被安排行走203E以及其後的224M。而更多的長矛更於一九九八年陸續被調往新界北區,行走78K,273,273A及278K等等的短途接駁線,這亦是長矛被認為最適合服務的路線。至於單門版的長矛,在啟德機場於一九九八年關閉後,當中十架 (AN14,15及17-24) 於同年九月開始陸續被轉往子公司龍運巴士,編號為901-910(初期編號為LW136-145),行走客量低的機場接駁路線,但縱然全數長矛都是行走機場接駁路線,原先的行李架卻被拆除,而且未有裝回座位,更令人不明所以是有關位置嚴禁擺放行李。到了二零零三年,908(FU5072)再度被轉售回九巴,並重用本身的車隊編號AN23。

丹尼士長矛自二零一零年五月開始陸續退役,在退役前主要行走北區區內鐵路接駁路線。而為紀念這款曾服務本港兩機場的車型,九巴於二零一零年六月向傳媒召開記者招待會,宣佈到了同年十月所有長矛巴士便會從車隊中退下。在九巴再次大量引進大型單層巴士時,這批九巴中大型單層巴士先驅,仍然充分發揮出它們應有的功能,直到二零一零年十月當最後兩架長矛 (AN7及12)告別載客車隊,其所扮演角色便由全新大型低地台巴士取代。退役後的長矛除了 AN8(FP4583) 及 AN23(FU5072) 獲私人保留外,其餘大部份成員都被送往廢車場拆毀。

It was a complicated issue for the using of full-size single decker in Hong Kong. Bus operators tend to deploy single decker buses on low demand routes to maintain a low operating cost and maximize the use of limited resources. In addition, full-size single decker suitable for some short-distanced but frequent loading with large passengers flows as they were not willing to the upper-deck and hence, the frequency and the journey time can be benefited. However, as restriction on the number of fleet imposed by the Transport Department, together with the objection from local authority and passengers, the development of the use of full-size single decker was limited.

After the commissioned of the Dennis Falcon in 1985, Dennis supplied KMB with 24 Dennis Lance in 1992 and to be the second full-size single decker in Hong Kong. Dennis Lance offered commuters a relatively low one-step entrance compared with Falcon. In fact, the first full-size super low floor bus model offered by Dennis was developed from Lance and then further into the first 3-axles super low floor double decker Trident. KMB planned to provide a frequent and rapid service alongside Nathan Road with full-size single decker. This plan soon were turned down by different District Council as they required KMB allocated double decker on those trunk routes. To go one step further, the full-size single decker cannot suit the heavy demand of the route serving along the Nathan Road Corridor.

All Dennis Lances were bodied by Walter Alexander with it PS-type bodywork and the air-conditioning unit was same as the Dart supplied by Sutrak from Germany. Except the demonstrator (AN11/FP6762) received it PS-type bodywork at Falkirk in Scotland, all Dennis Lance were completed their bodyworks locally. The first 12 (AN1 - 10, 12 and 13) were fitted with dual-door bodyworks with 45 seatings plus 33 standees (seating configurations for the single doorway version was 41 seatings and 24 standees). The wide entrance was first chosen on Dennis Lance to facilitate the flow of passengers. Airport coach configuration was chosen on the remaining Lances with single doorway for expanding and upgraded the fleet of Kai Tak Airport routes. They were received their registration between May and Jul., 1993. Bus version Lance were deployed on 30X and 238X replacing Hino coaches hired from Argos Bus while the Lance coach were allocated on Kai Tak Airport route taking the place of Falcon until the closure of Kai Tak Airport on 5 Jul., 1998. Air-conditioned bus services were widely accepted by the public and KMB introduced double decker air-con buses to meet the demand and the development of full-size single decker was suspended until 2009 when KMB introduced full-size single decker again.

As passengers growth, KMB started to withdraw Dennis Lance from 30X and 238X. Two of them were then deployed on cross-harbour route 110 while some found their new home in 203E and 224M. Since 1998, Dennis Lance started to work on Northern New Territories routes like 78K, 273, 273A and 278K. For those withdrawn from Airbus service, 10 of them (AN14, 15 and 17 - 24) were transferred to Long Wing Bus (901-910, previously LWB136-145), the subsidiary company of KMB Group, for the use on the low demand airport shuttle routes. The original luggage rack for the airport route was removed and a "no luggage" notice was stuck instead of any seats fitted onto the original position. In 2003, 908 (FU5072) was transferred back to KMB and it original KMB fleet no. AN23 was used again.

Lance started to withdraw from the fleet since May, 2010 and before their withdrawal, they were mainly deployed on feeder service linked with railway station in Northern New Territories. To commemorate Dennis Lance serving Kai Tak and Chek Lap Kok Airport (The Hong Kong International Airport), KMB held a press conference and told the public all Dennis Lance would be retired in Oct., 2010. The role that Dennis Lance played in the fleet was then replaced by the newer full-sized super low floor single decker after the retirement of the last two samples (AN7 and 12). Most of the Lance was sent to scrapped yard except AN8 (FP4583) and AN23 (FU5072) were under preserved.

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車隊編號 Fleet No.:AN1
車牌 Registration No.:FP2584
路線 Route:78K

拍攝地點 Location:上水巴士總站 Sheung Shui Bus Terminus

AN1車廂內部,The compartment of AN1

車隊編號 Fleet No.:AN2
車牌 Registration No.:FP3934
路線 Route:273

拍攝地點 Location:華明巴士總站 Wah Ming Bus Terminus

路線 Route:273A

拍攝地點 Location:華明巴士總站 Wah Ming Bus Terminus

車隊編號 Fleet No.:AN3
車牌 Registration No.:FP2756
路線 Route:273

拍攝地點 Location:華明巴士總站 Wah Ming Bus Terminus

路線 Route:278K

拍攝地點 Location:粉嶺 粉嶺車站路 Fanling Station Road, Fanling

車隊編號 Fleet No.:AN4
車牌 Registration No.:FP2943
路線 Route:273A

拍攝地點 Location:上水 彩園路 Choi Yuen Road, Sheung Shui

車隊編號 Fleet No.:AN5
車牌 Registration No.:FP4320
路線 Route:14C

拍攝地點 Location:觀塘(裕民坊)巴士總站 Kwun Tong (Yue Man Square) Bus Terminus

路線 Route:224M
拍攝地點 Location:九龍灣 宏光道, Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay

車隊編號 Fleet No.:AN6
車牌 Registration No.:FP2738
路線 Route:78K
拍攝地點 Location:上水 彩園路 Choi Yuen Road, Sheung Shui
路線 Route:78K
拍攝地點 Location:上水 新運路 San Wan Road, Sheung Shui

車隊編號 Fleet No.:AN7
車牌 Registration No.:FP3732
路線 Route:N270
拍攝地點 Location:上水巴士總站 Sheung Shui Bus Terminus
路線 Route:路線訓練 Route Training
拍攝地點 Location:九龍灣 觀塘道 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon Bay

車隊編號 Fleet No.:AN8
車牌 Registration No.:FP4583
路線 Route:28A
拍攝地點 Location:觀塘碼頭巴士總站Kwun Tong Ferry Bus Terminus
路線 Route:28A
拍攝地點 Location:觀塘碼頭巴士總站Kwun Tong Ferry Bus Terminus
路線 Route:224M
拍攝地點 Location:九龍灣 宏照道 Wang Chiu Road, Kowloon Bay

車隊編號 Fleet No.:AN9
車牌 Registration No.:FP5902
路線 Route:273
拍攝地點 Location:華明巴士總站 Wah Ming Bus Terminus

車隊編號 Fleet No.:AN10
車牌 Registration No.:FP5327
路線 Route:273
拍攝地點 Location:粉嶺 百和路 Pak Wo Road, Fanling

車隊編號 Fleet No.:AN11
車牌 Registration No.:FP6762
路線 Route:224M
拍攝地點 Location:德福花園巴士總站 Telford Gardens Bus Terminus
路線 Route:路線訓練 Route Training
拍攝地點 Location:沙田 大埔公路 Tai Po Road,Sha Tin
路線 Route:路線訓練 Route Training
拍攝地點 Location:金鐘 金鐘道 Queensway, Admiralty

車隊編號 Fleet No.:AN12
車牌 Registration No.:FR667
路線 Route:18
拍攝地點 Location:大角咀 櫻桃街 Cherry Street, Tai Kok Tsui
路線 Route:78K
拍攝地點 Location:上水 彩園路 Choi Yuen Road, Sheung Shui
路線 Route:110
拍攝地點 Location:佐敦道碼頭巴士總站 Jordan Road Ferry Bus Terminus

車隊編號 Fleet No.:AN13
車牌 Registration No.:FR755
路線 Route:78K
拍攝地點 Location:粉嶺 聯安街 Luen On Street, Fanling
路線 Route:273
拍攝地點 Location:華明巴士總站 Wah Ming Bus Terminus

車隊編號 Fleet No.:AN16
車牌 Registration No.:FS6896
路線 Route:224M
拍攝地點 Location:九龍灣 德福花園 Telford Gardens, Kowloon Bay
路線 Route:278K
拍攝地點 Location:粉嶺 聯安街 Luen On Street, Fanling
路線 Route:296M
拍攝地點 Location:康盛花園巴士總站 Hong Shing Garden Bus Terminus
The interior of AN16

車隊編號 Fleet No.:AN23
車牌 Registration No.:FU5072
路線 Route:273B
拍攝地點 Location:上水 新運路 San Wan Road, Sheung Shui
路線 Route:278K
拍攝地點 Location:粉嶺 聯安街 Luen On Street, Fanling

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